
Acts of God (Part 2)

     As promised, behold! the second and final set of natural disasters, each rated in terms of:
1. chance of pants-, uhh, sullying (CPS),
2. wake of destruction (WOD),
3. badass requirement for survival (BRS).
     If you didn't catch the first installment, read it first! At the end of this post you can find a table useful for comparative analysis. You are welcome to agree - or disagree! - with my conclusions, provided you've already accepted that your conclusions are wrong.
     So, without further ado...

Earthquake (tremor): the shaking of the ground caused by a sudden release of seismic energy in the earth's crust.
CPS 80% A fissure in the ground itself - reaching to the very depths of hell?? No one's comfortable with the idea of falling down one of them. Worse than that is the distortion of reality. Everything around you shaking. You can't see the danger, you have no idea where it might be safe - and these come without warning, despite ongoing efforts to discover a scientific means of prediction. The moment a vibration begins, you freeze like a deer caught in headlights, trying to figure out if it's just a passing truck. Aww, shit. It's not.
WOD 50% We've been told that the Big One is going to sink half of California. Not to mention earthquakes can in some cases cause volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, avalanches, and probably wildfires, too, if power lines were to fall down. However, a single earthquake isn't gonna do it all - either tsunamis or huge gaping fissures, not both. You'll probably still be able to drive your car - just be extra careful of potholes.
BRS 70% Sorry, kids, but hiding underneath your school desk just isn't going to cut it. Without working electricity, water and gas, the world is essentially turned into a post-apocalyptic zombie fest. While it's happening, you have to jump from side to side to avoid heavy things crushing you. And afterward, cleaning up sucks, but you may not even have the option if a gas line has been ruptured and your home suddenly catches fire. And if you're away from civilization, as we know from Descent, even a simple cave-in can trap you in the darkness with dozens of hungry human-like creatures.
Total score: 200

Viral epidemic (pandemic): An unstoppable outbreak of a new or unusual disease in a large human population not localized to a particular region.
CPS 80% Depends what the virus does, and so many possibilities exist. Children of Man came slowly but decisively; 28 Days Later and I Am Legend came swiftly and biting your face. Most seem to turn ordinary postal workers into violent and angry denizens of an ever-growing zombie army. (Well, maybe not so unfamiliar after all!) Regardless, a virus is another invisible foe, and worse still, one who attacks from the inside and the outside. The flu isn't scary, but the flu that causes you to eat your dog's genitals is another matter.
WOD 50% Human civilization? Gone. Everything else? Eerily intact. The only hope is to establish a quarantine area in time, but by the time you've slowed down an epidemic you've typically let it spread to multiple continents.
BRS 100% This has the potential to be absolutely the most demanding survival test of all time. Not everyone's infected, but the majority are, but you can't always see who is and who isn't. You have to become completely self-sufficient, yet still looking for friends. And once they've all died off, you are king of the world!
Total score: 230

Gamma ray burst (GRB): an explosion from another solar system in our galaxy, cooking the earth with radiation.
CPS 30% No one talks about this one. There's not really anything we could do about it. If it were to happen, we'd see a bright light flash, equivalent to a second sun. People would make inquiries, and our leaders would be reluctant to tell us what happened - at least until we had trouble breathing. Suffocating at an almost imperceptibly slow speed without knowing why might not be a bad way to go, actually.
WOD 100% In the unlikely event that a burst were to occur close enough to our solar system to affect us, the Nitrogen Oxide produced would destroy the Ozone layer. Just apply more sun block, right? Tell that to the countless trillions of photosynthetic plankton in the oceans that provide well over half of earth's oxygen. After that, the food chain must somehow reconstitute itself, a process that probably won't happen fast enough to stop us all from starving to death.
BRS 10% Even the biggest badass needs food to survive. The only human beings that might survive this one are scientific minds who find a way to turn rocks into hamburgers, or figure out how to individually coat each little plankton with sun screen. It'd have to be the water-proof kind, too - none of that cheap stuff.
Total score: 140

Plague of locusts: normally solitary grasshoppers swarming by the billions
CPS 60% People who are afraid of giant flying bugs (and that's most people) will be absolutely horrified. Thankfully, you can shut the door until they pass. But that doesn't stop the incessant buzzing, which I doubt many home stereo systems could block out. Not to mention the particularly biblical flavor of this disaster - Prince of Egypt-style, right? If you believe God's out on a warpath, you're going to be trembling even if you're safely inside.
WOD 60% Locusts eat their body mass each day. Which means a swarm a billion strong, each weighing about two grams, consume two million kilograms daily. They will consume nearly any food crop, including pearl millet, rice, maize, sorghum, sugarcane, barley, cotton, fruit trees, date palm, vegetables, rangeland grasses, acacia, pines, and banana. Did I mention their feces are toxic? Can you imagine how much there'd be? Bleh. The famine that follows will devastate any pre-industrial civilization. I guess that means we're ok.
BRS 30% Well, I guess you're gonna be hungry, and you might starve unless you can stomach locust droppings or kill that fatted calf in the back yard. Scrounging for food doesn't sound very badass to me. Eating grasshopper poop even less so. No wonder there's never been a successful film about it.
Total score: 150

Impact event (asteroid collision): the earth's collision of a sizable meteor or comet.
CPS 70% Since this has never happened in our lifetime it's difficult to be afraid. Or maybe it's that much easier. Deep Impact, right? Humanity panics, riots break out, the government starts putting all the scientists and professors and artists (only the good ones) in caves. People who aren't chosen are entitled to soil themselves. Still, you might not even see the asteroid coming, much less hit. And its effects would take hours to manifest themselves over the entire planet.
WOD 90% Well, life as you know it is over. If a big one hits (think Melancholia). Thankfully, none is expected until 2880, and hopefully the scientists are right. But what do they care? They know they'll be safe in the underground bunkers a mile below the surface with six gazillion frozen dinners. This remains the most likely cause of the human race's extinction. If the asteroid hits land, a dust cloud blocks out all sunlight for years, basically equivalent to a global nuclear winter - extinction. If it hits water, we get tsunamis and a lot of extra rain, minor earthquakes and volcanic eruptions - no extinction.
BRS 90% In the worst case - a ground impact - I'm thinking something like The Postman, where the world's a desert inhabited by violent tribal societies? Governmental control goes to hell after the bullets and the hot dogs run out, and after fifty or a hundred years of rotting inside a cave, people get impatient and come back out. Then we finally get down to business - survival of the badassest.
Total score: 250

Chance for Pants-Shitting Wake of Destruction Badass Requirement for Survival Total
tsunami 90 60 40 190
hurricane 40 80 20 140
tornado 100 30 50 180
wildfire 50 30 80 160
eruption 90 70 80 210
epidemic8050100 230
gamma rays 3010010140
impact event 70 90 90 250

And the winner goes to: impact event, by a nose!
Runner-up: viral epidemic.
Scariest : tornado.
Most destructive: gamma ray burst.
Most challenging: viral epidemic.

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